We mentioned in the Commercial Payer Enrollment section that completing an enrollment application, with redundant information for each commercial insurance plan that a health provider wishes to participate, can be time consuming and onerous. We introduced the central repository, the Provider Data Portal maintained by the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (
CAQH), a not-for-profit. Click here to register with the CAQH PDP and begin aggregating your credentialing and practice data.
Utilizing CAQH does not absolve the provider from updating and maintaining their credentialing data with each commercial insurer. It does simplify the process by offering one point of contact (
CAQH) that shares your updated data with the insurers. CAQH will prompt you to, and require the uploading of new licenses, certifications, and other information that are missing or set to expire. They will also require a periodic recertification that the information, on file, is accurate.
To save your CAQH enrollment information,
log in and go to the Practice Preparations section behind our secure firewall.